65" Sony 4K TV, 1 year old, ruined due to incompetent packing

Moving from: Asker, Norway
Moving to: Plymouth, MN USA

Packing Dates: July 4 - 7
Year: 2023

Jerry Otto, Weathersby Guild
Jerry Otto, Weathersby Guild. Paid by the settlement company to assess damages. Dishonest.
The dates and locations are provided in the above information. The movers showed up about 9am or so each day and finished the day around 2:30 or 3pm. The estimated time to complete the packing was 4 days. After only working 6 hours a day, the packing began to backup with no way of it being completed within 4 days based on the current working hours. On the fourth day, the workers had to work until almost 11pm in the evening in order to complete the packing.
Red Flags
  • The workers had to leave and go back to headquarters many times in order to gather more packing supplies during the packing process.
  • The head mover/packer thought it was acceptable to dump my wifes shoes in a large box. These were dress shoes. Some are very expensive. My wife had to tell him that he could simply take the shoes and hang them in a wardrobe box. The professionals who packed us when we moved to Norway simply hung the shoes in their existing shoe rack inside a wardrobe box. This method worked very well.
  • All furniture and other heavy items were wrapped in soft wrapping materials. This method resulted in significant damage to any and all furniture. Dressers, bookshelves, chairs, tables, mirrors, etc.

Damage Examples:

  • We had a very expensive dining room table that was simply wrapped in paper and this item received significant damage. (See photos)
  • Another large and heavy item was a cushion container for storing our outdoor furniture cushions. This too was simply wrapped in paper material. This item should have been crated. It too received significant damage. (See photos)
We had significant damage during this move totalling over $20,000. The total time from packing to the container being delivered to our home in MN was about 3 months. The entire process of claiming the damage required significant effort on our part as well. We were required to photograph everything, fill out forms online and work with an adjuster (Jerry Otto, Weathersby Guild). The settlement company sent over Jerry Otto. Jerry was being compensated by the settlement company. Therefore, Jerry Otto was not to provide a fair settlement on our behalf. He claimed that items were already damaged prior to the move. How would he know this? Everytime I asked to confirm information, he would always refer me back to the settlement company claiming he was not allowed to share his actual adjustment/claims report with me.

In the end, we had to get the company that hired Alfa Moving on our behalf involved in order to get things moving forward and settled. The company that hired Alfa Moving was our employer here in the USA. This was a corporate move.

This process was a horrible experience and everyone involved was incompetent and/or untrustworthy and dishonest. Alfa Moving Norway is an incompetent company. The workers/packers are poorly trained and aren’t truly moving professionals. They are simply students or unskilled workers filling needed positions within this industry.

Jerry Otto is a dishonest and untrustworthy individual. He claims he is on your side and plays the part of someone who wants to help you get maximum compensation for your damaged property. However, after hearing some of his claims from the settlement company regarding items being previously damaged before the move, tells me his reports back to the settlement company are filled with dishonest information.

Photos of Damage

Ringeriksveien 256B
NO-1340 Skui/Oslo
Phone: +47 63 87 13 00
Email: info@alfamoving.no